ペットごはん ペゴです( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )

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Instagram @pego_petgohan


In the fall of 2021, we opened an online shop specializing in products for parrots!
Our shop's name, "Pego," is short for "Pet Gohan," which translates to "Diets for companion animals."

Our team includes staff members based in both the United States and Japan.
Pego operates with the motto, "Only selling food we would give to our own feathered children," focusing on providing healthy and safe products for birds. We prioritize their health and strongly advocate for whole foods.

What Are Whole Foods in Bird Diets?

In the context of bird food, "whole foods" refer to natural ingredients such as fresh vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, herbs, coconut, edible flowers, insects, and soak/sprout items that mimic the foods birds would naturally encounter in the wild.
(These are foods where you can easily recognize the raw ingredients at a glance.)
Unlike processed foods like pellets or bird cookies, most unprocessed items, including seeds, fall under the category of "whole foods."

Why Whole Foods?

Unlike companion animals such as dogs and cats, birds have only recently become widely domesticated by humans. As a result, even pet birds still retain the same physical characteristics as their wild counterparts.
It is said that birds are unable to efficiently absorb nutrients from processed foods like pellets, which are manufactured by humans. Additionally, concerns about the nutritional value and safety of pellets have been raised in recent years, particularly in Western countries.

In response to these concerns, a growing number of bird owners, especially in regions where research on avian diets and nutrition is advancing, are transitioning to whole foods that closely resemble a bird's natural diet.

Since the natural diet of birds varies by species, Pego strongly recommends learning about the dietary habits of wild birds and providing meals that closely align with their natural environment.

We also offer interview videos with avian experts in Western countries on our membership-based website. If you’re interested in learning more about bird diets, nutrition, and their behavior in the wild, we encourage you to register!